
Working on wellbeing: Mental health and wellness in the UK workplace

Published by Indeed

It has been over 2 years since the global pandemic started and a period of ongoing change began. Here at Indeed, we wanted to get a thorough insight into how both employees and employers of the UK workforce have been coping with the ‘new normal’ in work and life.

It is only by having an open conversation, and asking the important questions surrounding mental health and wellness, that we can gain a better understanding of it as individuals and as a society.

The greater the awareness that we have around all-encompassing wellbeing, the better we can address problems, and help in creating solutions. Our new 2022 mental health and wellness report features brand new YouGov data, actionable insights, and expert advice on this important topic.

Filled with exclusive fresh data and actionable advice from some of the most progressive thought leaders in the mental health and wellness space, download your copy of this essential report today!

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